Palmerton approves $4 an hour increase for part-time officers
Palmerton has approved a $4 an hour increase for its part-time police officers.
By a unanimous vote, borough council agreed on Thursday to raise the starting salary for part-timers to $16 an hour.As a result, part-time officers in the borough will make $16 an hour for their first 200 hours worked; $16.50 for 201-500 hours; and $17 after 500 hours.Previously, they made between $12-13 per hour, a rate borough Mayor Chris Olivia earlier this month said was much lower than that of other municipalities.In a related matter, council agreed to offer employment to part-time police officers John Orsulak and Bruce Broyles, pending they obtain their MPOETC certification, and pass their psychological and physical exams.Also on Thursday, Councilwoman Holly Sell recognized several borough employees for their years of service.Among those mentioned were Keith Simmons, wastewater treatment plant (25 years); Al Koch, wastewater treatment plant (20 years); Chris Ritter, police officer (10 years), Tim Kromer, police officer (10 years); and Robert Cohowicz, police officer, five years.Sell said "I'd like to thank all of those people for their many years of service."In an unrelated matter, Sell announced there are several vacancies on borough committees.Anyone who would like to apply may submit their letter of interest to the borough, she said.In other business, council:- Accepted the resignation of water department supervisor William Merics, who will retire on Feb. 8, 2013.- Accepted the resignation of Anita Harry from the borough Planning Commission. Council agreed to send Harry a letter of thanks for all her years of service.- Approved various board committee appointments.- Approved a request by the Palmerton Area High School Class of 2013 Parents Club to utilize the borough hall from Jan. 14, 2013 through June 10, 2013, to do All Night Party Decorations.- Announced the borough will again collect Christmas trees after the holiday.- Agreed to advertise the 2013 borough council meeting schedule, which calls for council to continue to meet the second and fourth Thursday of the month from January through November, with the exception of December, when council meets the first and third Thursday of the month, and in November, when council meets the second Thursday, and Tuesday before Thanksgiving.