Palmerton Hungarian Club delivers wish list to students
The holiday spirits of several Palmerton Area families in need have been brightened thanks to a local service organization.
Members of the Palmerton Hungarian Club Ladies auxiliary dropped off Christmas gifts and food items Wednesday at S.S. Palmer Elementary School.The auxiliary received a wish list from students and their families. In turn, they gathered various items to help four families: two from Palmer, and two from Towamensing Elementary.Nancy Rios, president of the auxiliary, was joined by auxiliary vice president Sherry Vanderbeck, secretary Jillian Kuntzman, and treasurer Roxanne Stroup.Together, the four ladies, with assistance from school counselor Pam Storm, loaded Christmas gifts and baskets of food that will be delivered to the four families before Christmas."We just wanted to try to do something good to help people in the community," Rios said. "Our customers from the Hungarian Club really stepped up to the plate with gifts and food."Rios, who noted the auxiliary did the same for four families who reside in the district at Thanksgiving, added "we just wanted to thank the people for making this possible."Storm said the district is extremely fortunate to have so many people who care."We are so blessed to have community support in this town," Storm said."It's just wonderful, the notion that they are here for our kids in whatever capacity then can."Storm said she's proud to be a member of the community."I just think that the community needs to know we have some really great people in the community who are willing to help out," she said. "No matter what the need is, people come together to meet the need, which I think comes with having a close-knit, community-oriented type of town."