Penn Forest Township Township administrator named temporary secretary/treasurer
The Penn Forest supervisors held a special meeting Friday morning to handle a number of issues in a timely manner.
The meeting opened with supervisor, Alan Katz, who attended by telephone, making a motion to "have township solicitor, Gregory Mousseau immediately collect all township property, keys and safe combinations from former township secretary/treasurer Mary Ann Lewellyn.The motion was passed before Katz and the other supervisors were made aware of the fact that Lewellyn's son was in fact at the meeting and had already returned all of the items to township administrator, Cindy Henning.The second motion made by Katz was to appoint Henning as temporary secretary/treasurer, pending the township reorganization meeting on Jan. 7. The motion was adopted.The supervisors agreed to purchase a used trailer for $3,500. The intended use of the trailer was not discussed.Supervisor Christine Fazio made a motion to amend the township employee sick leave policy.The new policy spells out when a doctor's excuse will be required to be eligible for sick leave pay."This brings our policy more in line with other businesses," said Fazio.The new policy gives the township the right to request verification when they "suspect" that an employee is "abusing the sick day policy," according to Katz.Henning pointed out, during the meeting, the problems that she, as permits administrator, and the township engineers are having, with the "permits management" software the township purchased from Edmonds."Sometimes we need to look things up in seven places to get all the information. It is easier to go back to the paper system," stated Chairman Paul Montemuro.Katz agreed to contact Edmonds and discuss the problem and possible solutions."If they cannot offer a reasonable solution, we will request our money back," said Katz.In one other matter, Montemuro explained that the township needed to contact Blue Ridge Communications and have a second Internet cable and modem installed in the township building.There has been a problem with the security cameras and the technicians can't determine if it is a camera problem or a cable problem.Montemuro believes that with separate incoming cables, it may be easier to identify where the problem lies.