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S. Hill to give discounts for on-line garbage bills

Getting your garbage bill on your computer can save you some money if you live in Summit Hill.

Summit Hill Borough Council is making some changes on its garbage billing policy. One change is that residents who opt to receive their bills via the Internet will receive a 5 percent discount.The Internet billing discount will replace a previous discount afforded to residents who paid their bill annually instead of quarterly.Council members said the on-line billing will be a financial savings to the borough since the clerical personnel won't have to pay for postage, pay for the post cards that are mailed, and have the other expenses involved in the mailings.To sign-up for the on-line billing, residents should send their e mail addresses to:

shboro@ptd.net.Susan K. Gibiser, borough secretary, stressed that although bills are received on-line, payment still must be made at the Municipal Building. She said there presently isn't a secure program in place to accept payment on-line, but that the borough is working on such a setup.Councilman Jesse Walck said the on-line bills "will save us quite a bit of money."Mike Kokinda, president of the council, agreed, stating, "If we get 500 people to sign up, that's 500 bills we don't have to print, that's 500 cards we don't have to buy, that's 500 stamps we don't have to add."Another change to the garbage ordinance is that the late fee will be increased.Presently late fees are $10 per bill. That will be increased to $25 or 20 percent of the bill.