Schuylkill court news
File for divorce
Michelle D. Leidy started a divorce proceeding against Michael W. Leidy, both of 630 Arlington St., Tamaqua. They were married Nov. 13, 2010.Amy L. Lombardo, 200 Washington St., Brockton, Schuylkill Township, filed for divorce from Frank Lombardo, 95 Conrad Street, Palo Alto. They were marriede July 9, 1993.Divorces grantedDeborah L. Lescofsky, also known as Deborah L. Royer, was granted a divorce from Andrew Lescofsky, both of Orwigsburg. They were married Jan. 27, 1995.Karen J. Rumbel, Shenandoah, was granted a divorce from Paul G. Rumbel, Ringtown. They were married Nov. 26, 2009.Kathy M. Ferrebee, Schuylkill Haven, was granted a divorce from Brian K. Ferrebee, Pine Grove. They were married May 20, 1995.Sharon Shappel was granted a divorce from Gerald Shappell Jr. both of Orwigsburg. They were married Dec. 25, 2008.Carl R. Beury, Ashland, was granted a divorce from Donna M. Beury, Minersville. They were married July 10, 1976.Denise M. Searles, Frackville, was granted a divorce from David H. Searles, Ashland. They were married May 31, 1996.Michael G. Reno, Pottsville, was granted a divorce from Lori J. Reno, Mechanicsville. They were married July 14, 1990.Jan M. Kovaleski, 295 Malibu Drive, Lehighton, was granted a divorce from Benjamin E. Kovaleski, Myerstown.They were married May 24, 1986.Kerry J. Yesalavage, 14 W. Ogden St., Girardville, was granted a divorce from Linda L. Yesalavage, N. Railroad St., Tamaqua. They were married May 2, 1997.Stacey A. Davis was graned a divorce from Harry A. Davis Jr., both of Pottsville. They were married May 6, 2002.Margaret A. Flannery, Valley View, Hegins Township, was granted a divorce from John E. Flannery, Gratz, Dauphin County. They were married May 22, 2004.Desiree M. Walb was granted a divorce from Michael L. Walb, both of Port Carbon. They were married Nov. 11, 2011.Kristen McCormick, Minersville, was granted a divorce from Joshua McCormick, Corning, N.Y.. They were married May 4, 2005.Jennifer A. Chiglinsky was granted a divorce from Scott A. Chiglinsky, both of Pine Grove. They were married June 5, 2010.Christopher M. Palm was granted a divorce from Annmarie Palm, both of Pottsville. They were married March 24, 2001.Wendy Miller was granted a divorce from Gary Miller, both of Schuylkill Haven. They were married June 26, 1991.Take strong standTamaqua Area School District took its strongest stance to date in its drive against property owners who are delinquent in payment of their school tax.A hearing was held before Judge Cyris Palmer Dolbin on a petition filed by the school district against Richard A. and Michele M. Wetherill to seek a court order to have their property at 305 E. Broad St., Tamaqua, sold for failure to pay school taxes. After the hearing Dolbin handed down an order to have the property sold at a sheriff's sale to be held on Jan. 16, 2013, and allowed the schooll district to file a judgment against the property for $4,539.65.