Board reviews proposed land subdivisions and new projects
Reviews of land subdivisions and proposed projects were acted on by the Schuylkill County Planning Commission at its monthly meeting held Wednesday evening at the courthouse in Pottsville.
Two subdivision plans submitted to the West Penn Township Commission were reviewed and returned to the local board for final action with comments attached.The plan for Seroka Family Holdings, of property owned by Valerie and Andrew Seroka, is seeking a boundary adjustment .The proposal of this boundary line adjustment plan is to combine one lot of the family holdings with an existing lot containing 8.787 acres to form a new parcel owned by Valerie M. Seroka. The new lot is not for development and located at 29 Forsythia Lane.The board's comment was since the proposed driveway of the property comes out on Archery Club Road (Township Route 994) a highway occupancy application must be submitted to PennDOT for review prior to construction.The Kupres Minor Subdivision Lot Annexation, whose owners are Randy and Susan Kupres, 2935 Summer Valley Road, proposes annexation of a lot containing 8.267 acres to a second lot containing 1.678 acres and is to remain residential.After a review the board noted certification of identification of the parcel for this tract has not been performed and the number of the parcel must be certified by the Schuylkill County Assessment Bureau and recorded in the county's Recorder of Deeds office.Since an individual on-lot sewage is proposed a sewer planning model must be completed and also for the on-lot water supply requirements by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) must be complied and since the lots front Archery Club Road prior to construction of a new driveway, to connect to a municipal road (Township Route 994) permission must be obtained from the municipal government.Several proposed area projects were reviewed.Summit Anthracite Inc., Porter Township, has filed an application to DEP for a Feather Quarry project in the township which includes a large non-coal mine.Forino Company, L.P., Schuylkill Haven, plans to construct a 51 unit townhouse development in the Sunnyside Subdivision and is seeking a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) permit for discharges associated with the construction.Hazleton Area School District is applying for a general NPDES permit renewal for stormwater discharge associated with construction activities for the McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary School in Kline Township.Eagle Rock Resort Company has applied to DEP for a permit for the Eagle Rock-Western Summit South Phase Subdivision in East Union Township. The project includes the construction of a new sanitary sewer line in the Western Summit Phase Seven section under Tomhicken Creek.East Union Township supervisors, for its sewage collection system on Brandon Street in Sheppton, was informed by DEP that its request for two gravity residential connections to the East Union Township Sewage Authority's sewage collection system on Brandon Street is not exempt from the PA Sewage Facilities Act planning requirements.Zoning permitsThe commission reviewed and approved the list of zoning permits issued by the county zoning office. There were 13 permits issued in October and the estimated cost of construction was placed at $72,420. Permits were issued to the following:David Olt, Washington Township, mobile home, $55,245 estimated costs; Jeanine Sanko, Gordon, shed, $2,600; Daniel Snyder, Gordon, carport, $3,240; Richard and Peggy Stager, Washington Township, garage and shed, $4,800; Gary Klemovage, Frackville, pole building, $14,000; Brandon Reed, East Norwegian Township, personal garage and taxidermy business, $12,000; Larry Wolfgang, Gordon, garage, $4,635; Patrick M. Sonoski, Tremont, carport, $1,300; Marlin Hoff, Tremont, shed, $7,000; Dale and Regina Stoltzfus, Washington Township, agricultural pole building, $85,000; Gregory Ould, Cass Township, elevated deck, $8,500 and additional bedroom, $28,000; and Ezra Martin, Washington Township, addition to school building, $45,000.