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Around the world

Wayne Cho, 38, of Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, ran through Hometown and Tamaqua recently during his run around the world to talk openly about mental illness. Averaging 27 miles a day, Cho began his 16,000-mile run to raise awareness about mental illness from Vancouver BC, Canada on Jan. 1, 2012.

Through 2008 and 2009, Cho had successfully run across Canada."I really didn't have dreams early in life," said Cho.Having mental disorders himself, Cho decided to start his quest of running across the world, from California to New York and then through Europe and the Middle East."I am hoping my run will promote a better understanding and appreciation of how people with mental disabilities live," added Cho.Raised in an Asian family, Cho was physically and emotionally abused as a child, which led to his development of anxiety and bipolar disorders. At the age 30, Cho began participating in long distance running, a sport that provided both relief for his anxiety symptoms and the confidence to dream. He returned to school to become a counselor but diagnosed himself with mental illness.Bestowed with the greater purpose of raising awareness about a cause that affects millions, Cho quit his job and sold his belongings to complete a 5,400 mile run across Canada for anxiety and depression at the age of 35."Every day I run, I feel the pain in my feet," said Cho. "At times, I feel like not going any further. But I use my new motivation to keep running."I understand and appreciation things more," added Cho. "My experiences bring out the passion in me. I feel like this is my calling."Now, Cho continues to run around the world, sharing his stories, educating those who are unfamiliar with anxiety and depression, and inspiring those affected to achieve what they never thought possible.To follow Cho, visit his Facebook page, titled "Love World Run."His journey around the world will take him three years and span four continents and 22 countries.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Wayne Cho runs along SR54 in Hometown recently as part of his journey around the world.