Published November 06. 2012 05:02PM
Weissport Council discussed at length on Monday night the best way and when would be best time to repair the surface of White Street.
Secretary Dana Brubaker noted that Council has several options on payment structures and road surface materials and asked council members to consider several options."Timing is an issue," said Tim Rehrig, council member.Weissport will be a main thoroughfare for traffic during the rehabilitation of the McCall bridge and while council wants to save the base of White Street from further deterioration, they realize a paving project will be near impossible to complete during the rush of expected traffic during the time traffic will be routed through Weissport."We're looking at funding," said Brubaker. "There are no grants available for infrastructure."Council received a quote of $107.700 to repave White Street to Forge Street.Brubaker said the project can be done with liquid fuels funds or without the funds, or possibly a mixture of using some liquid fuels and funding with the general fund.The good news is that Weissport will have a balanced budget with a conservative revenue left of $27,000."We are able to fund the budget with no tax increase this year," said Brubaker.Brubaker distributed a proposed budget for council members to review.She said that the budget is in the planning phase.As part of the budget, Brubaker questioned how much council anticipated paying a borough worker or police office and also questioned whether council should increase the budget for making capital improvements to repair borough buildings."As long as there is no tax increase, I have no problem with how the budget is set up," said Rehrig. "I really don't want to see a tax increase."Council also discussed the issue of borough workers. Council has selected applicants, but both workers failed to respond to requests to report to work. Council did send letters to both applicants and has not gotten replies.