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PGC gives final approval to address illegal ATV use

Final approval has been given by the Pennsylvania Game Commission board of game commissioners to a regulatory change to address violations of possessing, maintaining, operating, occupying or traveling on an all-terrain vehicle or snowmobile in violation of the state's Vehicle Code (Title 75).

"Unauthorized ATV operation on State Game Lands and private lands enrolled in the agency's Hunter Access Program continues to be one of the top 10 violations our wildlife conservation officers encounter each year," PGC executive director Carl Roe said. "Illegal ATV operation is a major source of wildlife habitat destruction across the state, and these violations are often accompanied by ATV classification offenses, such as a lack of registration or insurance, which are required under Title 75."Under current law, WCOs do not have authority to enforce Title 75 summary offenses, and the Game Commission normally forwards these violations to other enforcement authorities, which typically ends in mixed results. This amendment will ensure safe and effective enforcement of these requirements occurring on lands under Game Commission ownership, lease, agreement or control."*****Sunday's edition of "Experience The Outdoors," hosted by award-winning Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association member Doyle Dietz, at 7 a.m. on 1410 WLSH and 9:30 a.m. on Magic 105.5, will feature Hawk Mountain Sanctuary biologist Laurie Goodrich.*****Coldwater Heritage Partnership is accepting grant applications for the 2013 Coldwater Conservation Grants Program, which helps to protect and conserve the health of Pennsylvania's coldwater ecosystems and are available to watershed groups, conservation districts, municipalities and local chapters of Trout Unlimited.Planning Grants average $6,000 and are designed to help develop a conservation plan that identifies the values and threats that impact the health of coldwater ecosystems that have naturally reproducing trout. Collected information can be used as a catalyst for more comprehensive planning or for development of watershed improvements projects.Implementation Grants average $10,000 and are designed to provide funding to projects recommended in a completed conservation plan or report. Potential projects must enhance, conserve or protect the coldwater stream for which the coldwater conservation plan was originally completed.Applications will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 14, and forms can be downloaded from the webstie at

www.coldwaterheritage.org.*****A Pennsylvania Game Commission check station for hunters who take deer in the 600-square-mile Disease Management Area in Adams and York counties has been established at the PGC maintenance building on State Game Land 249, 1070 Lake Meade Road, East Berlin, Adams County. This check station was established after the discovery that deer infected with chronic wasting disease had escaped from game farms and will take samples from deer hunters voluntary bring to the facility through the Monday, Nov. 12, end of the archery deer season.According to the PGC, no wild deer have been found to be infected with CWD, by the agency wants to monitor whether the disease has spread to wild deer within the DMA. Costs of the testing is covered by the PGC, and plans are being finalized for mandatory testing for deer killed within the DMA during the firearms deer season.*****First Frontier Militia, the muzzleloader branch of Bowmanstown Rod and Gun Club, will hold a muzzleloader shoot at the club, located at Gun Club Road, off Route 248, Sunday, Nov. 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for information, call Roger Fisher at 610-377-2812.