TIDE unveils new website
Members of the TIDE (Tamaqua Industrial Development Enterprises) website development committee unveiled their new website for the TIDE Industrial Park in Hometown during their official unveiling, held recently at the LCCC Scheller Center in Tamaqua.
The new website,
www.tideinfo.org, offers visitors and future business distribution or manufacturing prospects an easy overall view of the TIDE Industrial Park.The website's home page begins with, "If you are looking for a dynamic place to relocate or expand your business, consider the Greater Tamaqua Area."As you navigate the site, you'll notice the ease of access to information concerning available buildings, properties and resources at the park, as well as surrounding communities.Situated close to Interstate 81, the industrial park offers easy access to all major northeastern markets.The site adds that the park is within 500 miles of 40 percent of the nation's population and 60 percent of Canadian residents, making it acessible by rail and two international and three regional airports.The site points out numerous benefits for businesses to locate to the park, such as lower operating costs, tax and loan incentives, world-class development assistance and one of the finest workforces in the northeastern United States.Also, the home page talks about three key benefits of the park; water for industry, rail availability and interstate access. Beyond its easy-to-reach location, the Tamaqua area offers access to more than 3.5 million gallons of water per day for industrial use. The Still Creek Reservoir has a capacity of 2.9 billion gallons of water.According to the website, the park also offers rail access via the Reading & Northern Railroad to one of the most lucrative trade zones in the world: the northeastern region of the United States, pointing out that the R & N interchanges with the Canadian Pacific, Delaware Lackawanna, Norfolk Southern, and other railroads. The site adds that the park is in close proximity to the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Interstate highway networks via Interstates 81, 80 and 78.The site offers easy access to links and information regarding workforce development assets in the area. Some examples listed are the Business Enterprise Center at LCCC, Center for Leadership and Workforce Development, PA Workforce Development System and Workforce Demographics.In addition, the website hosts numerous pages sharing Tamaqua's community and workforce lifestyle, to include pages titled community organizations, companies we keep, elementary and secondary education, post-secondary education, scholarships and education, greater Tamaqua Area municipalities, health care, recreation, restaurants and shops, spiritual life and even weather.Adding to the already informative site, a tab on the site takes visitors to multiple pages concerning available financial resources, such as industrial bonds and industrial revenue bonds, Industrial Site Reuse Program, job creation tax credits, KOZ/KOEZ, Opportunity Fund, PIDA loans, SMB 504 Loan Program and Small Business First program.