Jim Thorpe to hold 18th annual Halloween Parade
Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins will fill the streets of Jim Thorpe this coming Saturday as the town's 2012 Halloween Parade makes its way down through the streets of the East side of the borough.
Billed as "bigger and better than last year", the 18th annual event which is organized by the Jim Thorpe Lions Club will begin at 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 27th.The parade will consist of three divisions with three bands and more than 20 groups participating.It will start at the Jim Thorpe Area High School and travel down Center Street to 9th Street; then down 9th Street to North Street; down North Street to 6th Street; across 6th Street to Center Street; and down Center Street to 2nd Street where it will disband.Busses will shuttle paraders back to the high school where there will be refreshments and awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for both floats and groups.The parade's reviewing stand will be located at the Jim Thorpe National Bank on Center Street and TV13 will provide coverage at the Bott Building on North Street.The Grand Marshall will be Officer Joseph David of the Jim Thorpe Police Department who was injured in the line of duty early last year.The judges for this year's parade will be JTAHS Principal Tom Lesisko and Dr. Clem McGinley while the parade's announcer will be Officer Dave Midas of the Carbon County Sheriff's Department.During the parade, Lions Club members will be accepting donations along the parade route to help defray the cost of next year's parade.Anyone else who would like to contribute to next year's parade could send their donation to the Jim Thorpe Lions Club; P.O. Box 108; Jim Thorpe, PA 18229.The lineup of the 2012 Jim Thorpe Halloween Parade is as follows :Division I - Jim Thorpe Police Department and Mayor Sofranko; Carbon County Sheriff's Department; Grand Marshall Officer Joseph David of the Jim Thorpe Police Department; Jim Thorpe Lions Club; PA Girl Scout Troop 34289 "Disco Brownies"; Carbon County Lion/Lioness 2012 Fair Queen and Court; Jim Thorpe High School Band sponsored by the Jim Thorpe National Bank; Representative Doyle Heffley; Carbon County Republican Committee; and the Jim Thorpe National Bank.Division II - Jim Thorpe Fire Department; Michael Reese "traveling grave yard"; Cub Scout Pack 138 Jim Thorpe; Bowmanstown Fire Company; Paddy the Irish Santa Claus; Dance Explosion; Ron Rabenold; L.B. Morris Elementary School; Perseverance Jazz Band; Girl Scout Troop 30134 & 30138; Obama Campaign; and Robert Hydro.Division III - West Penn Pool Team "Bone Yard Band"; Our Lady of the Angels Academy Band of Lansford sponsored by the Mauch Chunk Trust Company; Nesquehoning Girl Scouts; Carbon County Friends of Animals "Creepy Kittens"; Palmerton Fire Department; Forks of the Delaware Shriner's Club "Tin Lizzies"; Santa Claus; and Juke Box Cruisers Car Club.The Jim Thorpe Lions Club wished to thank everyone who contributed to helping to make this year's parade possible.