$60,000 block grant sought
The Rush Township board of supervisors approved the township's revised submission at last evening's meeting in the municipal building to receive a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for $60,000.
According to the board, the money will be used for sanitary line replacement on Chestnut Street and from Hunter Street to Ridge Street and to Ryan Avenue, 1,100 feet of pipe and laterals."It's a competitive grant where money that we're going for also pays for engineering costs to expand the Hometown sewer line," Vice Chairman Robert J. Leibensperger said, "another section of Hometown for low-income housing." He said last month that he hopes the township receives the grant in 2013 and can start the work in 2014.The CDBG grant comes through the state from the federal government and is intended mainly for low to moderate income project. Other townships in the area, such as West Penn, are also trying to utilize the grants provided through this program.Also on the subject of grants, the board approved two motions for a plan that is in compliance with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. Rush Township started the plan 18 months ago when it applied for a $300,000, money which will go from this state-ran program to fix homes of people in the low to moderate income bracket.The board said the guidelines for choosing applicants are designed to eliminate any discrimination based on race, ethnicity or creed and that it received about 35 applications.Moving on to sewer matters, in August the board passed a motion to change the ratio for what is paid for sewer for the Hometown and Lake Hauto from a 70/30 percent split to a 65/35 percent split. Vice Chairman Robert J. Leibensperger said this was done because Lake Hauto recently installed more equivalent dwelling units (EDU). At this month's meeting, the board approved a purchase of 12 grinder pumps for the new EDU installations. The pumps cost a total of $17,118, which will be paid for out of the Lake Hauto sewer fund.Next on the subject of sewers is the authorization of a $28,412.75 payment to the Tamaqua for charges from 2011 for HVAC updates, according to the representative of Arro engineering, William McMullen, who was present at the meeting.Lastly, the board announced a mandatory meeting for all Meadow Avenue property owners on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. to lay out detailed plans for the Hometown Area Safe Routes Project. Improvements of the project include fixing existing sidewalks along Meadow Avenue and pouring new ones along Oak Lane, widening the shoulder and mounting road signs along Lincoln Drive and painting as needed.