Kidder Township Fire Commission holds quarterly meeting
The Kidder Township Fire Commission is a joint committee made up of the four emergency services providers located within Kidder Township. The commission is chaired by Ralph Lennon of Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Department and meets once every quarter.
The commission was addressed Wednesday evening by Larry Polansky, chairman of the Kidder Township Board of Supervisors. Polansky asked for the opportunity to speak about the upcoming township budget for 2013. He said that "two of the four services (that make up the commission) have written to the supervisors requesting for a more equal distribution of the money budgeted for the emergency services."Polansky went on the say that the supervisors are considering these requests and that he expects that the changes "could cause some issues between the companies." To make sure that all have a chance to be heard and have their positions considered, Polansky suggested that representatives of the emergency services attend the next budget meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Nov. 8.Also discussed at the meeting was a request made by Lake Harmony Rescue Squad & Ambulance Corps for the commission to support a request to be made by the squad to township supervisors for a grant from the Emergency Services Fund to help cover the cost of the a new ambulance.The rescue squad has purchased a new ambulance, which is expected to be delivered in early December. The new ambulance will be replacing two units, which according to director of operations Jason Steranko, "were out for repair more than in operation this year." Steranko estimates that the old ambulances cost over $20,000 in repairs this year.Steranko said the new ambulance will cost $148,000. Most of the cost of the new equipment will be covered by a $108,000 grant. With the trade-in of the two older units the squad will still have a short fall for the new equipment. Steranko did not have the exact number, but agreed to get back to the commission with the amount needed to complete the transaction.The commission took a vote and agreed to write a letter supporting the rescue squad's request.Lennon brought up a proposal regarding the sale of the new 911 address signs to the other fire companies. Lennon had previously made an informal proposal to the township supervisors that the fire companies handle the sale of the signs when the final 911 addressing is complete. By working together the fire companies would have an opportunity to use the sale as a fundraiser for their respective fire houses.Albrightsville and Kidder Fire Companies both indicated that they would be interested in participating in the sale of the signs.