Tamaqua mancited again
A Tamaqua man has been cited for creating a public nuisance after he failed to correct issues with his property.
George Geissinger, 62, of 227 Hunter St., was cited by Tamaqua Patrolman Michael Hobbs on Sept. 27 in connection with the borough's property maintenance code.Geissinger was issued a permit to construct a two car, prebuilt car port to the rear of his property on Aug. 12, 2001. On Feb. 6, 2002, the permit was revoked due to violations regarding changes in location, size and building materials. Geissinger was given 10 days to remove any and all materials and return the property to its original use and condition.In the ensuing years Geissinger twice more applied for building/zoning permits for the structure. Each time the permits expired without the work completed or any improvements made to the site.On Sept. 19, 2011, then Tamaqua Code Enforcement Officer James Barron cited Geissinger, who was found guilty by District Judge Steven Bayer. On Oct. 11, 2011, Geissinger was again cited and found guilty at the magisterial level.In January Barron repeatedly cited the property owner for failure to remove rubbish (partially constructed garage) and failure to remove an unsafe accessory structure. Geissinger pleaded guilty on four of the citations but continued to refuse to correct the issues.On Feb. 22 Barron cited Geissinger again. On March 3, a right rear wall was removed. High winds later that month caused the left wall to collapse.On May 10 Geissinger failed to appear at a summary trial before Bayer and was found guilty of failure to remove rubbish and failure to remove an unsafe accessory structure. He was found guilty of both charges and elected to file an appeal with the Schuylkill County court.On July 24 Geissinger went to the county court and pleaded guilty to both charges. Judge Jacqueline Russell have him 45 days to clean up the property.The 45 days came and went with Geissinger failing to remedy the situation. He was cited by police for creating a public nuisance and two counts of violating the borough's municipal housing code.