Published September 13. 2012 05:02PM
Four Mountain Karate Academy black belts were tested and recently received their new certifications at the Black Belt ceremony held on Aug. 8. Greg Venuto was promoted to Cho Dan, Kyle Collins was promoted to Ee Dan, Tim Hauck was promoted to Ee Dan, Alex Hauck was promoted to Ee Dan, and Master John Fagliarone was promoted to Oh Dan. From left are, front row, Cho Dan Mary Grace Collins, Cho Dan Alexis Scott, Cho Dan Samantha Gruber, Ee Dan Alex Hauck and Cho Dan Devin Scott; second row, Cho Dan Paige Steigerwalt, Cho Dan Donato Sabatino, Sa Dan Master Paul Maglionico, Cho Dan Jeff Sharp; and back row, Yuk Dan Master Rich Gross, Oh Dan Master John Fagliarone, Sam Dan Rich Maglionico, Cho Dan Dave Scott, Ee Dan Kyle Collins, Ee Dan John Collins, Ee Dan Tim Hauck, Cho Dan Anthony Maradeo, and Cho Dan Greg Venuto.