Published September 11. 2012 05:01PM
The Lehigh Gap Nature Center will open its speakers' series on Sept. 16 with a program on "Mountain Lions and Other Seldom Seen Creatures of Pennsylvania." It will be at 4 p.m. . There is no charge.
The presenter will be Gene Odato, a forester with 37 years of experience. He currently serves as district forester at the Tuscarora State Forest District. He has a bachelor's degree from Penn State University.Come hear what might be in your back yard.Act 48 credit is available for teachers who attend a minimum number of programs and complete a curriculum project.The next program in the speakers' series will be Scott Weidensaul, Living on the Wind, the Migrations of Birds, Sept. 29, as part of the Migration Fest weekend. This will be the only one of the series requiring tickets.For information call (610) 760-8889.