Say no to a Pa. healthcare insurance exchange
The Act entitled "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (PPACA), also known as "Obamacare", allegedly requires, among many other things, that individuals, who are not covered by an employer or government insurance plan, maintain minimal healthcare insurance coverage established and controlled by the "law", and rules and regulations established by the U.S. Government. To accomplish this mandatory requirement, Obamacare mandates that either the States establish and operate a Healthcare Insurance Exchange by 2014 or the U.S. Government will do so within the State.
I say "allegedly requires" because the entire PPACA is unconstitutional since the federal government has absolutely no lawful authority to be involved in private individual's healthcare or private healthcare insurance, much less enact any legislation concerning these matters. Likewise, the United States Supreme Court's June 28, 2012 majority decision and opinion concerning Obamacare are unconstitutional. Therefore, they are both completely null and void.Over the past two years Pennsylvania officials have received more than $34 million in federal grant money, commissioned a lengthy consultant's study, held a series of public forums and publicly stated that Pennsylvania would be better off running its own exchange.Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 28th, Rosanne Placey, spokeswoman for Pennsylvania's Insurance Department, which is charged with planning for the exchange, stated: "We are still looking at options in light of the Supreme Court ruling,".Placey's comments were echoed by Governor Corbett's administration spokeswoman Kelli Roberts, who said, "We haven't made a firm decision ... We're continuing to do our own analysis."States have until November 16, 2012 to inform the U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) of their plan to operate a State-based Healthcare Insurance Exchange. In those States not ready to operate a State-based exchange, the department said it will operate an exchange in partnership with the State or on its own. States will still have the option of setting up their own exchanges for 2015 or later years.Apparently, money, not the unconstitutionality of Obamacare and the Supreme Court decision, is a chief concern for Pennsylvania officials. While the federal government will provide funding initially to administer a State-based exchange, that money, as in most other federal programs, decreases to zero over time. Thus, Pennsylvania tax-payers will soon be required to fund the entire cost of the U.S. Government unlawfully mandated Healthcare Insurance Exchange.The moral and lawful thing for Governor Corbett to now do in accordance with his constitutional "oath of office" is to immediately return all $34.8 million "grant" funds already received from HHS for implementing the State-based Healthcare Insurance Exchange in Pennsylvania and refuse any other future such bribes. Then join the Governors of Alaska, Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, Texas, and South Carolina who have already refused to implement Obamacare's State-based Healthcare Insurance Exchange in their State. Surely other States shall join this list.We, the Citizens of Pennsylvania, must all contact Governor Tom Corbett and our State Senator and State Representative to instruct them to follow constitutional law and thus to NOT implement a State-based Healthcare Insurance Exchange in Pennsylvania; Not now, Not ever!We must continue to demand this until our instructions are followed by the Governor and the General Assembly. Our healthcare liberties, and those of future generations, require these actions.