Published August 23. 2012 05:01PM
Lehighton American Legion, Post 314, recently held installation of officers for the 2012-2013 year. During the installation, Harry J. Wynn III, finance officer, announced that Lehighton Legion Post 314 was awarded District 5 Community Service Award by the State Department for its service to the community.
Also, members recognized Richard J. Fink, adjutant; and Floyd C. Brown, commander, for their years of service. Fink has served as adjutant for seven years and Brown has been commander for 10 years.In addition to Brown being installed as commander, the following officers were installed, Larry K. Heffley, first vice commander; Mitchell S. Nace, second vice commander; Richard J. Fink, secretary; Harry J. Wynn III, finance officer; William H. Gross, chaplain; William Schwab, judge advocate; Manual Muniz, parliamentarian; Charles J. Weber Jr., service officer; Corneilius McHugh, Sgt. at arms; Mahlon W. Schaffer, Carlos Teets, William Fisher, Kenneth Repsher, Carl Haydt and David Bryfogle; and John R. Kriel, historian. Executive committee members are, Fred Schaffer and Mahlon Shaffer, one year; and Manual Muniz and William H. Gross, two years.
Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS Officers were installed for Lehighton American Legion Post 314, for 2012-13. From left are, front row, Floyd C. Brown, commander; David Bryfogle, assistant Sgt. at arms; Larry Heffley, first vice commander; Charles J. Weber Jr., service officer; Richard J. Fink, adjutant; Mahlon W. Shaffer, assistant Sgt. at arms; John Kriel, historian; and back row, Harry J. Wynn III, finance officer; Michell S. Nace, second vice commander; William Fisher, assistant Sgt. at arms; William H. Gross, chaplain; Manual Muniz, parliamentarian; Kenneth Repsher, assistant Sgt. at arms; and Carl Haydt, assistant Sgt. at arms. Also installed were, Williams Schwab, judge advocate; Corneilius McHugh, Sgt. at arms; and Carlos Teets, assistant Sgt. at arms.