Published August 09. 2012 05:01PM
Michael Stauffer, a member of the Royal Battalion ROTC, based at the University of Scranton, recently completed the Army Combat Diver Qualification Course, held May 20-July 6, at the Special Forces Underwater Operations School at Trumbo Point Naval Academy, Key West, Fla.
The school is run by the 1st Special Warfare Group, U.S. Army, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, and is regarded by many soldiers as the toughest military school to endure.Cadet Stauffer was selected by the 2nd ROTC BDE and U.S. Army Cadet Command to attend the course. He is the first of his battalion to be chosen to attend diving school, and placed first nationally in his brigade based on physical training and academics.During the course, students learn surface and subsurface waterborne infiltration methods and participate in night diving, tactical swimming in full gear and equipment, boat and water craft training, helocasting from a helicopter, navigating a zodiac and a 48-hour training event, followed by a nine-mile run the next day.Upon graduating he received the Special Operations Diver badge and pin. He is now considered a master diver.Stauffer is a 2010 graduate of Marian Catholic High School and a junior in the architecture program at Marywood University. He is the son of Elmer and Ann Marie Stauffer of Nesquehoning, and the grandson of Sam and Jennie Citrano, formerly of Nesquehoning, and Clifford and Floretta Stauffer of Weatherly.