Lehigh Valley Chapter of ASSE celebrating 50th anniversary
Lehigh Valley Chapter of American Society of Safety Engineers is celebrating its 50th anniversary during 2012. Every day millions of people go to work and leave injury and illness free to return home safely, due in part to the commitment of occupational safety, health and environmental (SH&E) practioners. These professionals work tirelessly to identify hazards and implement safety advances across all industries with the goal of reducing workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses.
The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), founded in 1911, is the oldest professional safety organization, representing more than 32,000 global SH&E practioners committed to protecting people, property and environment. ASSE members are at the forefront of safety engineering design, standards development, management and education/training for hundreds of thousands of businesses, organizations and government worldwide. ASSE has 151 chapters, 35 sections and 60 student sections. ASSE is also represented through members in 75 countries. ASSE members serve on more than 40 safety and health standards committees, including the International Organization for Standards (ISO) and lead the way in contributing to new legislation designed to better protect workers.Locally the Lehigh Valley Chapter of ASSE was chartered Oct. 27, 1962. The Lehigh Valley Chapter includes over 140 members from Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe counties. The current Lehigh Valley Chapter officers include: president, Bruce E. Everett, CUSA, MS; vice president, Bruce R. Mellott, MPH; secretary, Thomas Shaffer, CSP, CIH, MS; treasurer, Linda Sanchez, CSP; and delegate to the House of Delegates, Joseph Branco, CSP, CUSA. Additionally, Gordon Smoko, CSP, is past president and the current membership chairman.Lehigh Valley ASSE Chapter information can be accessed at
http://asse.org.As we look forward to the next 50 years of development in safety, the Lehigh Valley Chapter ASSE and its members continue to work toward increasing awareness about the importance of workplace safety and health. Throughout history, the safety profession and safety professionals have significantly improved working conditions for employees in the U.S. and abroad. Because of ASSE members, many lives have been saved each day. As members continue to strive for zero fatalities, injuries and illnesses in the workplace, the future will truly be full of many milestones that will lead the way toward the ultimate goal.