Published July 12. 2012 05:01PM
The Panther Valley High School Class of 1987 hosted its 25-year reunion on June 9 at the Lakeside Ballroom in Barnesville. Classmates attending included, front row from left, Chris Aungst and Mary Kelly Reese Aungst. Second row Amy Toniatti Blasko, Suzanne Sommers Milkowich, Brian Ouly, Christine Fritzinger Chinchar, Tammy Smith Faenza, Cindy Macalush and Mary McLaughlin. Third row, Melissa Ansbach Stappen, Deb Wehr Mannicci, Vicki Pecha Thomas, Anita Kaminitsky Dietrich, Martin Kane, Lori Barron McMichael, Julie Williams, Rebecca Ziegler Pilla, Simone Sparich Zuber, Greg Taras, Matt Knepper, Mike Tirpak, Christina Cox Dunn and Jerome Rhodunda. Fourth row, Pat Urban, Ron Hood, Kathy Marshall, Bob Ciaviaglia, Liz Citrano Cruciani, Dave Parfitt, Brian Shelton, Greg Surotchak and Tom Sweeney. Back row, Jim McCready, Jerry Snyder, Pete Urso, Ed Arner and Mike O'Connell.