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Signals at Tamaqua's Five Points constantly hit by truckers

Even though it has only been a few months since the completion of the second phase of the PennDOT's Tamaqua Streetscape Project, numerous incidents involving

damage or destruction to crosswalk signals and related signs have been attributed to tractor trailers taking the turns too sharp.At times, tractor trailers can be seen taking up the entire sidewalk,forcing pedestrians to jump back. Since its completion, the Five Points (SR309 and SR209)intersection has been a key topic of discussion. Some issues were the replacement of the inclined sidewalk in front of the M and T Bank and lack of turning signalsat the intersection. Currently, there are no permanent fixes plannedto alleviate these issues. Dave Lesniak, Tamaqua borough mechanic, picks up a heavy cast iron section of a crosswalk signal that was damaged by a tractor trailer on Monday.

ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS Even though it has only been a few months since the completion of the second phase of the PennDOT's Tamaqua Streetscape Project, numerous incidents involving damage or destruction to crosswalk signals and related signs have been attributed to tractor trailers taking the turns too sharp. At times, tractor trailers can be seen taking up the entire sidewalk, forcing pedestrians to jump back. Since its completion, the Five Points (SR309 and SR209) intersection has been a key topic of discussion. Some issues were the replacement of the inclined sidewalk in front of the M and T Bank and lack of turning signals at the intersection. Currently, there are no permanent fixes planned to alleviate these issues. Dave Lesniak, Tamaqua borough mechanic, picks up a heavy cast iron section of a crosswalk signal that was damaged by a tractor trailer on Monday.