Published July 03. 2012 05:01PM
Lansford borough will be sending out notices this week to property owners who are delinquent in payment of their sewer transmission accounts. There currently are about 400 accounts that are past due and delinquent.
Property owners will have 30 days from the date of the notice to make payment in full. If payment is not received, the water will be turned off.According to delinquency collection criteria, the notice will include a $25 administrative fee and once scheduled for water shut-off, the property will be posted. For water reconnection, the sewer transmission account must be paid, along with a $40 reconnection fee.Anyone who is aware that their account is past due can avoid the administrative costs by paying before the letter is sent next week. Payment may be made at the borough office, 1 W. Ridge Street.Delinquent accounts are being collected not only due to the total neglect of borough ordinance and loss of income to the borough, but also to the inequity to those property owners who make prompt payment.