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Whoooo likes animals?

Katherine Uhler, director of The Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center, and Minimus, a Saw Whet owl, help children at the Palmerton Area Library's summer reading program, have an up close and personal look at some of the animals of the night. A Saw Whet owl is the smallest of owls in Pennsylvania and is featured on PA license plates. She also brought a Screech owl and a Barn owl. She told the children that owls eat mice, moths and little frogs. Owls have large fixed forward facing eyes so that's why they can turn their heads almost of the way around. They were a big hit with the kids and adults. The Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education center, located at 361 Cherry Dr, Stroudsburg, is a place where injured and orphaned wild animals are cared for until they can fend for themselves, when they are released back to the wild. They also offer live wildlife educational programs using animals not releasable to the wild.