Franklin Twp. adopts resolutions, ordinances
During the Franklin Township board of supervisors meeting held Tuesday, supervisors adopted a resolution to approve planning modules, pending approval of the Carbon County Planning Commission, for the Snyder Christmas Tree Estates and also adopted the estate's revised plans.
The board adopted an ordinance that replaces a resolution of rules and regulations of the public sewer system, and also amended an ordinance that adds attorney fees to the cost of collection for garbage fees.The board rescinded a motion that authorized the township solicitor to draft and advertise an ordinance to create the Franklin Township UCC Appeals Board, and gives notice to other municipalities of the township's withdrawal from the current Joint Appeals Board.The board also approved paying $29,387 to Bruce George Paving and Excavating for the Court Street retaining wall project. The invoices were approved by township engineer Ron Tirpak.The board adopted a resolution to open an interest-bearing checking account in Jim Thorpe National Bank for recreation use.The board closed the Central Carbon Regional Parks Recreation Greenway Open Space Plan account at Jim Thorpe National Bank with a balance of $2.78 and transferred the balance to the Central Carbon Regional Comp Plan Joint Municipal Account.The board gave the Franklin Township Special Fire Police permission to assist on Sunday with a bike run event, "Bella's Biking for Trisomy 18 Awareness," coordinated by Thomas Buccieri.Township secretary Sandra Gaumer said that the township received information about a new policy of PPL Electric Utilities regarding sheds, swimming pools and other obstructions in their electric transmission line right of way.Under the new policy, PPL will no longer grant permission for property owners to install new sheds, swimming pools, tall fences, billboards, decks, playground equipment and any other objects or structures which could pose safety or electric reliability problems.PPL notified the township about the new policy so that when property owners make requests, the township zoning officer would not grant permits for new obstructions.