Published June 13. 2012 05:02PM
Saluting as they go, members of the Lansford American Legion Riders showed their respect to area veterans at the Hometown Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Hometown during their bi-annual visit.
While at the center, the Riders, a group of motorcycle veterans and enthusiasts, spent time visiting over a dozen veterans. The Riders, who also visited 23 residents at the Mahoning Valley Nursing Home, gave further tribute to all the veterans by passing out patriotic hats, pins, socks and other supplies.In addition, each veteran was presented with a special Certificate of Honor, followed by a well-deserved salute."It feels great to bring cheer to the veterans who live here," said, Jim Wentworth, organizer of the Forgotten Warriors Project."Everybody visits the VA Hospitals," said Legion Rider Joe Shamonsky, an ex-Vietnam medic. "They forget about these guys in the nursing homes.""When you thank them, they are so grateful," said Joe's wife and fellow Rider. "It really makes you feel good."Wentworth stated his appreciations to to fellow Riders, Lansford American Legion and Hometown Nursing Center. The Riders also gave gratitude to the St. Luke's Hospital - Miners Campus for donating socks."We have our freedom because of these veterans, so the least we can do is pay some respect back to them," stated Joseph Butrie, President.In addition to veteran programs, the Riders are routinely involved in various community and Legion-related events, such as the Lansford Bike Night being held June 23.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/TIMES NEWS From front left are Legion Riders Joe Shamonsky; mascot Toby; Charisma Wagner, 7; and Jim Wentworth. Second row from left are Joseph Nunemacher Chaplain; Anissa Nunemacher; Joe Butrie, President; Larry Wagner, Vice President; and Roseanne Zona. Third row from left are Dave McCara; Paul Zona; and Shirley Shamonsky, Secretary.