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Special Towamensing meeting concerns county recycling

ELSA KERSCHNER/TIMES NEWS Towamensing Township Supervisor Tom Newman made a motion to remove the ramp and container that is county property from township property.

By a verbal agreement between former Towamensing Township supervisor Rodney George and Carbon County Recycling coordinator Duane Dellicker, the township built a ramp at a cost of $9,400 so the county could back up and dump recyclable paper into a large container.

On May 31 a special meeting was called. The result is that a letter was sent to the county saying June 4, 4 p.m., will be the last time it can be used. The ramp had never been discussed at a township meeting and the cost never approved. There was no written agreement. As paper was being dumped it spread over the township and nearby school grounds.Supervisor Tom Newman said it has been researched over the past several months taking into account the use of public money.The ramp is also considered unsafe because there are no guard rails.The space used by the ramp and container is the only free space that was available for township use and is no longer available. The township does not use the ramp and does not dump paper into the container.When the township met with the county, it asked that the county pay half the cost of building the ramp. What the county solicitor, Daniel Miscavige, offered was a 90-10 deal with the township getting 10 percent of money earned by selling the paper. At this point is should have been $1,300 but even that has not been forwarded. Miscavige also wanted 20 days to make a decision. The township did discuss 10 days but then decided against that also.Supervisor Guy Seifert made a motion to take the container out to the front of the property and tell the county to come pick it up.That was replaced by Newman's motion to give the county until June 4 to stop using it, which was approved. He said the township tries to meet people halfway but the county did not make an effort to meet them halfway.Commissioner Tom Gerhart did come out to see the ramp after complaints were made by the township.Supervisor Penny Kleintop said the ramp and container have nothing to do with the township recycling program. "We want people to continue to recycle," she said.Newman said the township benefits by taking less garbage to a landfill and paying landfill fees. It also means there is less garbage for the crew to pick up.Seifert said clean fill is needed at the new ballfield. To dump fill, contact Roadmaster Scott Mosier.