Published May 31. 2012 05:01PM
The 23rd Ukrainian Folk Dance Workshop, sponsored by the Ukrainian American Heritage Foundation of the Lower Anthracite Region (UAHF) will be held at the Ukrainian Homestead in Lehighton from Monday-Friday, July 2-6.
The camp runs daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes dance instruction, folk singing, sports, crafts and swimming.Instruction is offered to children 5 and up, with advanced workshop instruction for experienced dancers. The workshop is under the artistic direction of Andrij Dobriansky assisted by Yurij Dobriansky.Special activities for this year's camp include mini workshops and demonstrations in the art of egg painting (pysanky) and beadwork (gerdany).An adult beadwork workshop will also be available for parents and the general public on Tuesday and Thursday. The camp will conclude with a performance on Saturday, July 7 at 7 p.m. This performance is open to the public, free of charge.For more information on the camp or the adult craft workshop, contact Paula Holoviak at (570) 708-1992, Sandra Duda at (610) 377-7750 or Joseph Zucofski at (570) 622-8056 or email Forms and information are also available online at camp is supported by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency, through its regional arts funding partnership, Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts (PPA). State government funding for the arts depends upon an annual appropriation by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.PPA is administered in this region by the Lehigh Valley Arts Council. The camp is also supported by a grant from the Carbon County Room Tax Fund which promotes tourism within the county.
SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS The 23rd Ukrainian Folk Dance Workshop will take place from July 2-6 in Lehighton.