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Lehighton 9/12 Project presents special movie

The Lehighton 9/12 Project has a special movie presentation this evening.

"Rumors of War III: Target U.S." will be shown at 7 p.m. in the Mahoning Valley Ambulance Building, 902 Mill Road (Route 902), Lehighton.Sandy Dellicker, president of the Lehighton 9/12 Project, said the documentary shows that America is under attack and the enemy isn't an ocean away, "it's much closer than you think."She noted that the film has been shown on Capitol Hill to some members of Congress.The film tells how terrorists have already moved into the United States and smuggled in "at least one weapon of mass effect." They are also establishing missile bases withini striking distance.Dellicker said tonight's gathering is specifically for the showing of the documentary and is not a meeting of the 9/12 Project.