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Mahoning Valley groupcommemorates century of 4-H

The Mahoning Valley 4-H Gardening Club, a division of the 4-H Community Cub, planted flowers this past Saturday in Lehighton to help commemorate and celebrate 100 years of 4-H in the commonwealth.

"The Pennsylvania chapter of 4-H is 100 years old now in 2012, so we decided to plant summer flowers here to help beautify the Lehighton community," said Kay Gilbert, the group's leader."It's a beautiful day; these are great kids; and I am happy to be a part of this wonderful organization," said Gilbert."I'd like to thank the parents that get involved. Without them, there is no 4-H, or any youth organization, for that matter," Gilbert added.The 4-H Mahoning Community Club meets every other Friday night. For more information about 4-H in Carbon County, visit


JASON SANDER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Planting flowers in downtown Lehighton to commemorate 100 years of 4-H in Pennsylvania is, from left, Eliza Asmann, Brandon Ruch, Brandon Everett, group organizer Kay Gilbert, Brianna Keiser and Erin McGinley.