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Arts in Motion to come to Palmerton Area Library

Looking for something different and fun to do this summer? Why not consider Arts in Motion classes at the Palmerton Area Library?

The Arts in Motion classes will be for mixed ages parents, grandparents and children.They will explore music and movement with various instruments, dance, fine and gross motor skills in a relaxed, nonperformance oriented setting where children explore and learn at their own pace with Rachel DeMicco of Palmerton and owner of Jim Thorpe Arts in Motion, a dance, fitness and performing arts studio, located at 434 Center St., Jim Thorpe.You do not have to have a background in the arts to attend the class.Rachel will be doing the story hour at the library on Friday, June 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the gallery as a mini introduction.You are invited to come see what she does and get more information.The mission of the classes is to nurture creativity, support learning, and expand and improve health.You can register now for summer classes at the Palmerton Area Library to be held on Mondays at 10 a.m. from July 2 to Aug. 6. Registration and a demonstration class will be on Monday, June 18 at 10 a.m.Call (570) 483-8640 to register for demo class or check the website at

www.jtartsinmotion.com for more information.