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Lehighton Annex to be renamed

When Memorial Day marchers parade past the Lehighton Borough Annex on North Third Street, Monday, they likely will see that the structure has been named for a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice.

It is being called the "1Sp. Clyde R. Houser Jr. Building," as well as the borough annex.Houser is one of four Lehighton and 13 Carbon County military members who died in the Vietnam War.Clark Ritter, a member of the committee who proposed the idea to Lehighton Borough Council last month to name the structure after Houser, said the new signs are expected to be placed on the exterior of the building this week. The council unanimously approved the signs and agreed to have borough workers help with their installation.Ritter also got permission to use display cases inside the annex to create a memorial to Vietnam veterans. It's not sure when the memorial will be finished, but it won't be in time for Memorial Day."We want it to be a memorial not only to the people we lost in our area, but all Vietnam veterans," Ritter said of the proposed exhibit.The families of the Lehighton area soldiers who died on the Southeast Asian battlefield are being contacted regarding the memorial.Besides Houser, also killed in Vietnam were SP4 Leon Delbert Eckhart, Lance Corporal Ronald Steward Henry Christman and SP4 Charles Richard Johnson.Scott Rehrig, vice president of the council, praised the memorial committee for its efforts."This council would like to thank you for honoring these classmates," he said.In other business:• The council appointed Chase Carpenter to a term on the Lehighton Sewer Authority. Carpenter, a 2009 graduate of Lehighton Area High School, fills a vacancy created last month by the resignation of his grandfather, Kaye Leiby, a longtime member of the authority. Leiby had agreed to remain a member until a replacement was found.Carpenter was the only applicant for the vacancy.He also graduated valedictorian from Universal Technical Institute last June.• Dr. William A. Howland was named to fill a vacancy on the Lehighton Water Authority. He was one of four applicants for the seat. Others who applied were former Borough Manager John Hanosek, former council member Robert Moser, and Gordon B. Ripkey.• The council agreed to hire Crystal Marx permanently for cleaning the police department, borough hall, and Light and Power Department garage. She had been listed as a temporary employee for the past six months.• Rodney Snyder of Millway Street appealed to the council to ban jake brakes on trucks that travel on Route 443. Attorney Jim Nanovic, borough solicitor, said there are other communities with such bans. The council said it will look into Snyder's request.• The council hired 24 seasonal employees for the 2012 summer season at Baer Memorial Pool, which opens this coming weekend.Hired were: Lucas Millen, Alex Rubin, Samantha Cerimele, Emily Cerimele, Sarah Nanovic, Stephen Hahn, Carly Markovich, Chrisa Mantz, Demi Ogozalek, Emily Mantz, Brooke Gursky and Regina Marzen.Also hired were, Philip Marzen, Amilio Beckett, Caitlin Bandholz, Sarah Kistler, Joe Paluck, Joseph Blauch, Brittany Erbe, Arthur Terembula, Christina Dixon, Patricia Steigerwalt, Lisa Simpfl, and Katie Mongi.