East Penn Recreation Commission wants township assistance
Hal Resh, speaking for the East Penn Parks Commission, said there is no communication between the commission and the supervisors.
Supervisor Jake Nothstein, at the May 7 East Penn supervisors' meeting, said the priority is working on the roads.Commission member William Schwab said he had prepared a report for the supervisors. Last year there were 1,200 hours of volunteer work at the Riverview and Marvin Gardens parks. This year so far there have been 100 hours.One reason for the decrease is the requirement that a release be required from all volunteers. Aside from not knowing who will turn up at any given day, it is difficult to see that releases are signed by everyone and more so when a group such as scouts comes to volunteer.When rafters start coming there is more trash than the volunteers can handle. Schwab thinks the price for rafters using Marvin Gardens should be set at $5,000. When supervisors considered that high, he pointed out that a porta-pottie costs $1,700 for the rafting season and if trash is being picked up daily, it will be expensive.A 10-14 inch dropoff around the pavilion was considered a danger and was fixed."We have to get volunteers to help with what the road crew used to do," Schwab said.The road crew has dumped 30 loads of dirt where it is in the way instead of where it can help solve problems.The grant for the Delaware and Lehigh Corridor included the requirement that the trail be mowed and rolled.Schwab said people are not willing to use their own equipment to mow if they have to sign releases. No municipality along the river has volunteers sign releases, said Hal Resh.A motion was made and approved to suspend until the end of the year the release requirement unless people are using township equipment."The park is one of the good things we have going for us in the township," said Schwab. He said there is more liability for the roads than for volunteers.Supervisors' chair Dean Kercsmar said, "They should be commended for the park. Volunteers do a good job."Supervisors will meet with the Commission on May 29 to try to work out the release question.The five things the Commission wants from the supervisors are suspension of the release requirement, to allow volunteer projects so long as there is no cost to the township, allow charging of fees to reserve facilities, allow the Commission to manage all park activities subject to reporting to supervisors and appoint a liaison to attend Park Commission meetings.Joe Hauser repeated something he brought up last month - that youth workers are available to the municipalities in the Summer Workforce Program. One township person has to attend a class to learn about the program. Equal Opportunity papers have to be at the work location all the time, but the workers must not be under constant supervision.In other business: The annual contribution to the Lehigh Canal Recreation Commission in the amount of $246 was approved.The burn ban has been lifted.Under public comment:Harvey Keiper asked about the court case against Clair Troxell.Solicitor Jim Nanovic said the decision was received from Superior Court. The prior decision was upheld. Keiper said the property owner where Troxell stores what people term "junk" was a truck repair facility when Robert Balliet was using his own property.Nanovic asked, "What do we do next?" The $624,500 in fines was affirmed but will be difficult to collect.Keiper asked if liens had been filed against the properties of homeowners who have not paid tapping fees or sewage user fees. They have been, said Nanovic.Joe Ehritz said water lays on the east side of Hollow Road and runs onto the road. He said the "Pennsylvania Township News" contained a report from PennDOT about new mixes for paving.Dorothy Eberts, postmaster at Andreas Post Office, asked about fixing Hollow Road, considering it deplorable. Roadmaster Cory Smith said one pipe has been put in and a permit for the second is pending. Then the road can be resurfaced.***The April 2, 2012, minutes include a motion by Jake Nothstein to eliminate the police administrative position (held by Herb Truhe) and terminate the May 16, 2008, contract effective immediately with benefits terminated as of April 30, 2012.The May 5, 2008, minutes state that "He will get, in lieu of salary, which will be in a contract to satisfy wage and hour, Blue Cross and Blue Shield without any copay of the premium." The contract is mentioned but nowhere in the minutes is anything said about voting to approve the contract, although one was signed.