Tamaqua news
Senior citizens
The Tamaqua Seniors met March 8 at the Tamaqua Community Center with 84 members in attendance. President Jean Machamer conducted the business meeting. Rose Vallee provided the invocation, entitled "Live For Today." Secretary Joan Anne Garber and Vice President Nancy Gerber provided their weekly reports. Francis Kaminski and Marion Schaeffer were added to the sick list and Lena Murphy is noted to be in Shady Maple for a broken hip. Norma Sheidy sent a thank you note to the seniors for her card. Three new members were installed: George Rinda and Larry and Marlene Loder.A discussion was held concerning possible upcoming activities, such as a picnic and trips to Knoebel's and Shady Maple. The group meets and holds senior bingo every Thursday, at 1 p.m. at the community center. Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join. The center is handicap accessibleTBPW newsThe Tamaqua Business and Professional Women's Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. April 3, at La Dolce Casa. The meeting will include an election of officers.At the last meeting, members voted to make a donation to the BPW State Scholarship Fund. Scholarships provide grants to women interested in continuing their education. Members are also participating in the American Cancer Society's Daffodil campaign.Guest speaker was Tamaqua Chief of Police Dave Mattson. His topic was identity theft. He provided members with the Preventative Measures Check List created by the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office. Suspicious activity, of any type, should be reported to local law enforcement.Barry Bangwer will be guest speaker for the April meeting. His topic will be "Relaxation Through Music."Senior driversA basic AARP defensive driving course for mature adults, formerly known as 55 Alive, will be held April 2-3 at the Tamaqua Salvation Army, 105 W. Broad St. The eight-hour class had been divided into two sessions, both to be held from noon to 4 p.m. While membership in AARP is not required, there is a discount for AARP members. There are no tests involved and the classes are taught by trained volunteer instructors. Participants who successfully pass the course will be provided with a certificate, which will qualify them for a discount with their auto insurer, for a three-year period.Class sizes are limited, so reservations are highly recommended. For more information, or to reserve a space, call (570) 668-0410.Lenten servicesThe Tamaqua Ministerium is sponsoring a series of interdenominational Midweek Lenten services. All of the services will be held at noon with a light luncheon to follow. The schedule includes: March 21, Tamaqua Salvation Army, 105 W. Broad St.; and March 28, St. Jerome's Catholic, 266 W. Broad St.The public is welcome to attend.SS. Peter and PaulStations of the Cross will be held every Wednesday, at 7 p.m. in SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church. Stations will be preceded by a holy hour of prayer, including a recitation of the rosary, beginning at 6 p.m. A holy hour of prayer will also be held every Saturday, from 4-5 p.m., during Lent. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed during these holy hours. Choir rehearsals will be held following the Wednesday Stations of the Cross, beginning at approximately 7:30 p.m.Tamaqua Salvation ArmySunday services at the Tamaqua Salvation Army are held at 11 a.m. Sunday school classes meet at 10 a.m. Weekly activities include: Tuesday, men's and women's fellowship meets at 5 p.m., youth drama meets at 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Timbrels, Bible study and prayer meeting at 5 p.m.; Thursday, youth group meets at 4 p.m., band rehearsal at 5:30 p.m. Basic computer classes are being held every Tuesday and Thursday for the next eight weeks. Classes will meet from 10:30 a.m. to noon and from 6-7:30 p.m.