Published March 03. 2012 09:01AM
State police at Fern Ridge reported on two burglaries and theft incidents probed by troopers.
A break-in occurred at the home of Eva Sec, 230 Poplar Creek Drive, in Chestnuthill Township, Monroe County, sometime between Feb. 19-26. Removed from the home was a large screen television.A burglary occurred at a residence at 410 Glen Brook Road, Jackson Township, Monroe County. The entry occurred sometime between Feb. 8-15. Removed from the home was copper piping.The car of Harriet S. D'Amico, 65, of 57 Winding Way Drive, in Saylorsburg, Chestnuthill Township, was entered while parked in the driveway of her residence. Entry to the unlocked vehicle occurred sometime between Feb. 27-29. Removed were multiple items including a Garmin GPS unit with mount and an Ipone charger.Troopers said unknown criminals climbed over a fence surrounding an AT&T tower at the top of Camelback Mountain, Jackson Township, and removed two large copper bus bars. One of the bars was detached from the cables and the other was cut free. The incident occurred sometime between Feb. 2-7.Jack Hofmann, 115 Heritage Lane, Stroudsburg, Chestnuthill Township, reported someone fired several BB shots at his home damaging the vinyl siding and a window. The incident occurred sometime between Feb. 10-27.