$90 fee issued for recycling, solid waste program
Citing the increased cost for fuel and tipping fees to run the Polk Township Recycling and Solid Waste Program, the Polk Township Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to have an annual use permit cost $90. That use is for township residents only, with proof of residency required.
That cost comes to only $1.73 per week as is pointed out on the informative brochure created by township staff for interested residents.The yearly sign-up and payment is due from March 1 through April 15. Notices will not be sent in the mail.One's permit must be attached to one's vehicle and said permit allows one day a week use, either Wednesday or Saturday. If one sells the vehicle, one is responsible for removing the permit.This and other information is on the approved 2012 brochure."Recycling keeps this program working," advises the brochure. The Township is actively looking for sites to sell its recyclables to earn more money."It does work," is the staff's evaluation of recycling and it helps keep the community green.Keeping the community safe was part of Fire Chief Christian Lenway's report. He detailed the call statistics for the month and reminded all that "the lack of ground snow cover has left the fire load heavy."He and Barry Borger were sworn in to serve as Fire Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator, respectively. Both have also been sworn in as fire police.The Supervisors unanimously approved a Prevailing Wage Reform Resolution and the lot joinder plan of Robin and Carol Wyatt on Dotter's Corner Road.The Board approved a request by Ragnar Relays for Oct. 5 through Oct. 6 and decided not to amend the EIT ordinance.A request from resident Philip Ruvolo for street lighting at Hill Road and High Hill Road was not approved. The board decided the resident can put in his own lighting.The trio did approve the placement of two directional signs for Cornerstone Community Church in the township right of way.In ongoing township business, the Dotters Corner culvert has been deferred to next year, but in regard to the bridge, the township hopes to accept bids on March 26.Secretary Nancy C. May announced the township's new website. It is
www.polktwp.org. Residents may find the history of the township there as well as current news.