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Lehighton Chamber plans dinner mixer at Platz's restaurant

Lehighton Council of the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce will hold a dinner meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, at Platz's Restaurant, 101 Harrity Road, Lehighton. There is a fee.

Dinner is at 6 p.m.RSVP by March 12 by calling (610) 377-2191 or email to

lacc@ptd.net.The speaker will be Caruso Benefits Co., Bethlehem, who whose topic will be "The Changing Landscape of Employee Benefits."Also for discussion will be information on health reform.Everyone will learn about strategies employers can use in the short and mid-term to control costs and remain compliant with various government regulations.The meeting is open to all members of the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce. Bring a friend.