Site improvements still needed at solar park
While the actual solar park was completed and operating since last fall and Summit Hill Water Authority officials report seeing some reduction in their electric bills, there are still outstanding site improvements and landscaping that needs to be satisfied before they consent to releasing final payments to Miller Brothers for the work according to Chairperson Louis Alexander at last evening's meeting.
"We need to get things squared away with the contract," said Alexander. Some of the issues that officials want addressed include completing the landscaping at the site as well as some of the road materials that were placed and other items. Because the contract was not satisfied in the fall, the authority is also entitled to retain some of their final payment as damages. Currently the amount of money in question between the remaining bill and the work to be done that is being held is $110,000.Related to the project, Authority Engineer Mike Tirpak asked permission to reset the inverter date which was originally turned on August 29th when the field was commissioned, but then turned off until the work was completed and restarted on September 14th. At some point according to the data readings, five days were lost in that period which makes the inverter's reporting off by the same amount of time. Tirpak said it can be corrected by adjusting the date stored in the inverter.In other business, the board approved an $845 contract for their annual generator maintenance awarding the work to Engines, Inc. They also consented to having their long time leak contractor return to the borough in April to check for leaks in the system over a three day period. That inspection usually costs around $2,000.The board also approved a bill for $446 from Martin Electric to install a generator at the water tank. A brief outage two months ago in the area of the tower required one of the crew to sit and turn on the pumps for 45 minutes at regular intervals due to the lack of emergency power. It is the only place in the system that was missing such measures. Now an emergency generator with a manual bypass will be put in place to handle that during a power interruption.Following a DEP inspection that went well, the Board also approved Carbon Engineering to review and update both the Emergency Response Plan as well as the Tier One Response Plan which is used in case there arises a situation requiring a boil water advisory.