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Eagle Scout candidates receive recognition from Chestnuthill Twp. supervisors

Eagles soar, attaining great heights.

Eagle Scouts also soar and also attain great heights.As the highest rank one can reach in Boy Scouts, it is a title that is held for life.A Boy Scout must earn at least 21 merit badges, demonstrate Scout Spirit and complete an extensive service project.The Eagle Scout Service Project is how a Scout demonstrates his leadership of others while completing a project that benefits a religious institution, a school or his community.Bobby Nemecek, Chris Major, Zack Boulanger and Chris Shumski are all members of Boy Scout Troop #98. They have been diligently working on attaining their Eagle Scout status.All four young men have completed their Eagle Scout Service projects. All four projects were for the Chestnuthill Township Park. The Scouts recently attended the Chestnuthill Township supervisors meeting and gave reports of their projects and received recognition for their hard work and leadership skills they displayed while working on their projects.Bobby Nemecek renovated the MIA/POW Memorial. He raked off mold and recovered the mound in the center of the display with dirt with fresh dirt and mulch. He removed some pipes, replaced two trees with new healthier trees, painted, stained and cleaned the benches. He built a wall around the garden and back of the memorial and made a flower garden around it.Chris Shumski built two new benches, painted existing ones with redwood stain and mulched under the swings. The large wooden train he power washed and repainted it. With the leftover money he donated to Chestnuthill Township. Chestnuthill Township supervisor chairman Chuck Gould asked how he would like them to use it and Chris said the money could be used for more mulch.Chris Major created a Rain Garden with plants, two yards of Delaware Round stones and mulch. He cleaned mulch and debris from a drain. He planted over 200 plants. That same night it rained and flooded it out and about 70 percent of the plants were lost. He replanted another 100 plants and added ditches for the rain water to flow without flooding it.Chairman Chuck Gould said, doing it once was great but doing it twice was impressive.Zack Boulanger is working on the outer trails of the park, cleaning and restoring the gravel paths."It's important to note that a lot of projects when built, but not properly maintained, become shabby or ill kept. Thousands of dollars of work are put into the park and on behalf of the supervisors we thank you for all these improvements," said Chairman Gould.

LINDA KOEHLER/TIMES NEWS Chestnuthill Township supervisors recognized the hard work four Boy Scouts did in Chestnuthill Township Park as they worked on their Eagle Scout projects. They are, left to right, Chris Eckert (supervisor), Zack Boulangerk, Chris Shumski, Chuck Gould (supervisor chairman), Bobby Nemecek, Bernie Kozen (West End Park and Open Space executive director) and Chris Major.