Published January 12. 2012 05:01PM
Cleanup just got a little easier in Palmerton, thanks to the borough's new heavy duty vacuum truck, which borough officials proudly unveiled inside the borough garage on Wednesday.
Borough Manager Rodger Danielson said the vehicle will serve dual purposes and be utilized by several departments."It's part of upgrading our entire sewer handling capabilities with the new plant," Danielson said. "We're also doing lot of work throughout the community taking care of broken lines, it's a good tool for cleaning any blocks, and it will be used by the water department for hydro-excavating."In October, borough council agreed to purchase the truck from Vac-Con, of Evans City, Butler County, in the amount of $258,214.Also at that time, council, on a 6-1 vote, agreed to accept an additional $2,500 from the same company to haul away the borough's 1988 vacuum truck.Danielson said at that time the purchase of the truck had been anticipated as part of the bond issue, whereby 65-percent of the payment would come from the borough's sewer fund, while the other 35-percent would come from its water fund.
TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS Pictured with Palmerton Borough's new 2012 Vac-Con are, left to right, council Vice President Chris Olivia, Councilman Randolph Gursky, sales representative Bob Griffiths, council President Terry Costenbader, and borough Manager Rodger Danielson.