Published January 04. 2012 05:01PM
VFW Ladies AuxiliaryThe regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial VFW Post 8008 will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10 in the social hall of the Post Home. President Amanda Breiner will preside at the session.Gertrude Hawk sheets are now available for members.LansfordSt. John LutheranOn Wednesday at 7 p.m., St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, will hold an informal worship. This will be a spiritual, peaceful, evening service with Holy Communion. All are welcome to this relaxed, brief, musical, evening prayer.For those who wish to come early, a free simple supper is served at 6 p.m., followed by a brief adult Bible study and confirmation program at 6:30.For more information or if the weather is questionable, call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.CoaldaleLions ClubThe Coaldale Lions Club will meet at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10, and Tuesday, Jan. 24, at the Viennese Villa, Coaldale.President Robert Ames will preside.