Schuylkill audit completed
The 2010 single audit on the County of Schuylkill was recently completed by the firm of L. Samuel Deegan, CPA, P.C., of Pottsville and was filed with the Single Audit Clearinghouse and the Bureau of Audits in Harrisburg as required by law. The audit report contains an independent opinion on the county's basic financial statement.
The completion went smootlhly and there was no confrontation between the auditor and Controller Melinda Kantner as happened last year.The financial highlights in the audit report include the following:The excess of revenue and other financial sources over/under expenditures and other financing uses for the general fund was $1,662,362. The fund balance for the general fund at the beginning of the year was $3,286,966. Fund balance at the end of the year was $13,939,588.The net income/loss for the 9-1-1 Emergency Management Agency was $812,336. Net assets at the beginning of the year was $3,286,077 and at the end of the year $2,474.630. The huge drop was suffered from the income from a tax on land phones as more and more land phones are being eliminated by households and replaced by cell phones. Only recently the legisature added the tax to cell phones.The net income/loss for the Rest Haven Nursing Home in Schuylkill Haven, which is operated by the county, was $1,420,738. Net assets for the nurisng home at the beginning of the year were $1,463,447 and at the end of the year $42,709. A huge amount went to paying employees who had acculated sick days and vacation days.The excess revenue and other financial sources over /(under) expenditures and other financing uses for the debt service fund was $939,044. Fund balance for the debt service fund at the beginning of the year was $8,280,436. Fund balance at the end of the year was $7,341,3912.Net assets held in trust for the Employees' Pension Benefits at the beginning of the year was $86,737,268. Net asetsheld in tlrust for the pensin benefits at the end of the year was $96,351,313. The increase in net assets was $9,614,045. The county's annual required contribution to the pension fund increased from $2,217,034 to $3,148,444.Total revenues for all governmental funds was $108,951,470. Total expenditurds was $106,888,834. Total other financial sources and uses, $903,622. Excess of revenus and othe financial sources over/(under) expenditures and other financing uses for all government funds was $1,159,014.Total general obligation debt outstanding is $12,505,000. This was a decrease of $2,045,000 or 14.05 per cent from the previous year.Paul Buber, CPA, fnancial analyst for the county, indicated the fund balance in the general fund will need to remain healthty going forward in order to comply with governmental accounting stqandards board Statement. Next year the county will be managed by a new board of commissioners. The report on 2011 spending will not be audited until the end of 2012. The county finished with a balance at the end of 2010. The budget for 2011 was a tight budget and predictions there may be a deficit but this will not be known until the 2011 audit is completed next year.