Published December 06. 2011 05:01PM
The oath of office was administered to the six newly elected school board members at Monday evening's Jim Thorpe Area School Board meeting.
The newly elected members are Gerald Strubinger, Pearl Downs-Scheckler, John Partenio, Bill Allison, Dr. Clement McGinley, and Jeremy Melber. Strubinger and Dr. McGinley are returning board members.The newly elected members took the oath of office at the start of the board meeting. Melber was absent from the meeting.The board voted on the positions of President and Vice President. Dr. McGinley was nominated and elected for the position of President and Allison was nominated and elected for the position of Vice President.The board also nominated and elected the Solicitor. Current school board Solicitor, Attorney Gregory Mousseau, was nominated and re-elected.In other news, the board voted on the time and place for regular board meetings and committee meetings.Regular meetings are held the second and last Mondays of every month, unless otherwise noted. The meetings are at 7 pm.Partenio made a motion to have the regular meetings held at the district office and at Penn-Kidder Campus. The meetings would alternate location every other month. For the even months (i.e. February, April etc…) the meeting would be at Penn-Kidder. For the odd months (i.e. January, March etc…) the meeting would continue to be held at the district office. The board passed the motion.Starting in February, the regular board meetings will be held at Penn-Kidder for the even months.Partenio stated, that he hoped by having some meetings at Penn-Kidder more people that live on the mountain would be able to attend.Allison commented that people have spoken with him about having board meetings on the mountain and he stated people were interested in the opportunity.Committee meetings are held every first Monday and third Wednesday of the month at 6 pm.