Published November 29. 2011 05:01PM
In an article in the TIMES NEWS, it was reported that Lehighton Borough Manager Nicole Beckett indicated there will be no tax hike in the 2012.
Beckett clarified that at a recent meeting of the borough council, she stated that the General Fund was balanced and no tax increase would be necessary for operating expenses.She told the TIMES NEWS, "However, please remember, council had voted in July to add millage for the Fire Station Construction Project." The TIMES NEWS reported this in an article on July 26th."I had stated to Council at the November meeting that funding the fire station grant match through millage would be an easier decision being that we did not need additional mills in our general fund," she said.Also, in 2011, council had increased millage by 0.25 of a mill.Beckett will be presenting a detailed budget to council for approval at a special meeting of the borough coucil on Dec. 7 at 6:30 p.m.The council will be faced with a vote on the Tax Levy Ordinance for the Fire Station Project.