Franklin officials studying budget Taxes, garbage collection fees will not increase
Franklin Township supervisors spent hours on Thursday going over line items in the 2012 budget.
After some discussion, the supervisors said they didn't believe it was necessary to raise taxes or garbage fees for 2012, but that will likely not be the case for 2013.The township handles its own garbage, collecting approximately 1,800 tons a year. Rod Green, chairman noted that landfill fees have risen $1 a ton.The township anticipates revenues of approximately $360,000 for garbage fees. About $15,000 of those funds are held in an equipment fund which will be used to replace the garbage truck.Last year the millage was 6.3 mills for general funds and .537 mills for the capitol reserve building fund, for a total of 6.837 mills. Residents who live within 750 feet from a fire hydrant will continue to be assessed an additional .8 mills.Sandra Gaumer, township secretary, said that she doesn't have the proposed revenues and expenditures, but that it appears the township received less revenue than anticipated.Gaumer said that she did receive a request from Home Health Care to raise the donation from $200 a year to $1,000Festival of Lights suspended this yearIt was announced that the Festival of Lights, a project of the Franklin Township Lions Club, has been suspended for this year due to the lack of volunteers.As for major purchases, the township intends to purchase a new police car for approximately $29,000 next year and purchase a roller for the township road crew.Gaumer said that the township has received a Department of Community and Economic Development Grant of $4,500, which will be used to landscape and blacktop the area where new pavilions will be constructed.Supervisors noted that the second pond is due for dredging which will cost about $2,000.Rob Cressley, road foreman, said that he wants to purchase a roller, which does not have to be new. He also noted that the parking lot at the Phifer Ice Dam needs re-blacktopping and the basketball court will need to be resurfaced after the second pond is dredged because of the truck traffic.Green said that the township was down with rentals this year and is not planning to raise the rental rates. Green also noted that the new pavilions will also be rented out after they are constructed. He said there will be electricity for crock pots and such, but the pavilions will not have lighting and are only for day time use.Cressley said that he will be seeking quotes to build the pavilions. It was noted that the township will be paying prevailing wages.