Published November 07. 2011 05:02PM
The United Presbyterian Church, 6750 PA Route 873 Slatington, will host its 53rd annual Gymanafa Ganu (Welsh hymn sing) on Nov. 13.
The afternoon session will begin at 2:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The conductor is Robert A. Jones from New York. The organist is Robert Miller from Maine, and the pianist is Anna Mary Milot, choir director and organist of the Slatington United Presbyterian Church.Special music will be by the "Quartet of 5," a local group from the Slatington area.The Welsh hymns are sung mostly in English and some Welsh, for those who are able. An expanded "Te Bach" (Welsh tea) will follow the program.A free will offering will be taken to help defray expenses.For more information call the church at (610) 767-8113 or Milot at (610) 767-8337.All are welcome.