Published October 31. 2011 05:03PM
Tamaqua High School Class of 1951 celebrated its 60-year reunion Oct. 8 at The Top of the 80's, West Hazleton. Co-chairman and toastmaster was Donald Kimmel. A memorial service by Agnes Zeart Versailles took place in memory of 52 deceased classmates, and included a prayer, reading of names and a candlelighting ceremony. The class song and alma mater was led by Lillian Gravell Dinos. The invocation was given by the Rev. Stephen Halabura. Correspondence was read by June Endy Leiby and the treasurer's report was given by Versailles. Chairman was Donald Rusden. Helen Teter Kerschner took care of sign ins. The Rev. Paul Sherry gave the closing prayer. Classmates attending were, front from left, Howard Startzel, Ann Herb Emerich, Agnes Zeart Versailles, Helen Teter Kerschner, Elizabeth Billig Koch, Elizabeth Fisher Pfeil, Barbara Knepper Kreamer, Cynthia Rupert Hass, Doris Kanter Gormley, Laura Moser Voccola, Doris Walters Bray, Florence Ramsey Drumheller, Geraldine Harakel Klein, Allen Keich and Phyllis Hilligas Paisley. Second row, Robert Bannon, Nicholas Dinos, Donald Rusden, Ethel Faust Rother, John Thomas, Bruce Burrell, William Jones, the Rev. Stephen Halabura, Eleanor Moravek Culver, Mary Smulligan Burton, Nira Clemson Hagadish, June Endy Leiby and Donald Kimmel. Third row, Charles Delp, the Rev. Paul Sherry, Allan Mace, James Hain, Roger Arner, Adam Obermen and Lillian Gravell Dinos. Next year's picnic will take place on Aug. 26 at New Ringgold Picnic Grove.