East Penn planners discuss Churchview and regional plan
On Duane Schleicher's major subdivision, it was noted by the East Penn Planning Commission that a letter by Solicitor Jim Nanovic about a PPL easement was forwarded to the developer and engineer.
The Monday meeting discussed whether or not the many changes discussed on the Churchview Downs plan had been made on the plan. A note about Walter Zlomsowitch's driveway was to have been removed and wasn't.Deanna Cunfer said she found a problem with the metes and bounds but Engineer Bruce Steigerwalt said it has been corrected. An offset concrete monument was corrected, and he asked if the others had been set.Churchview Engineer Mike Brinkash said until the conveyance of the remainder of the property he did not think they should be set because there may be changes.Cunfer said the water reuse plan was to be reviewed. Steigerwalt said it is marked infiltration on the cover sheet.He had a question about the disturbed acreage. The erosion and sedimentation plan used 24 acres but now it is 22-23 acres of disturbed land. It should be an exact amount. "Every time we get a revision it's changed. If you are going to seed it, it's disturbed."The Carbon County Conservation District and the Department of Environmental Protection have to review it because they know there were minor changes."We need the operations and maintenance agreement," Steigerwalt said.Attorney Gretchen Stearns asked what the timing should be procedurally.Cunfer said the agreement is recorded as a miscellaneous document, not part of the plan. She said some items will require supervisors' input.Owner Glenn Miller asked about the consistency letter that concerned him at the Oct. 3 supervisors' meeting.Steigerwalt said it's done, and gave Miller a copy.The decision was that based on the plan of Oct. 5 and the minutes of the past meeting and with the engineer's comments, the planning commission feels all changes have been made except for extraneous data and the erosion and sedimentation plan is to be adjusted for the limit of earth disturbance.The Central Carbon Regional Comprehensive plan was discussed. The plan and an additional 100-page appendix were recently received.Steigerwalt said they would have to keep an electronic file that can be given to developers.Brian Eickhoff said his only problem is the road behind the fire company. The township may never have the money to complete it. It is listed as a future project.Most of the roadwork included will not be done in the next 20 years, said Steigerwalt.Eickhoff said an alternate route to Kittatinny is desired. "If they want a second entry put the bridge back," he said. This is the bridge torn down across Lizard Creek on Kittatinny Road.Some things are already done such as preemption for emergency services at traffic lights, said Steigerwalt. Many others are dependent on PennDOT.If things are on a future list it may help get grants, he said.Eickhoff asked why the Slaw company has materials on South Kittatinny Road. It should be addressed."If the fire company has to get to Lizard Creek it will not be able to," Steigerwalt said.Cunfer made a motion to recommend adoption contingent on verifying that the township is not locked into long-term projects such as extending West Sunset Road to Blue Mountain Road. The recommendation was approved.Under public comment Joe Ehritz said the planning commission has been doing a good job with both plans and the regional comprehensive plan.