Published October 07. 2011 05:01PM
The Palmerton Area Democratic Club will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 7 p.m. at the Fireline Hotel, Bowmanstown.
The program will feature an opportunity to meet Democratic candidates for local offices in the area covered by the Club which includes Palmerton, Bowmanstown, Towamensing Township and Lower Towamensing Township and learn more about the upcoming General Election.At the September meeting, the PADC voted to continue to support the Food Bank run by the Community Action Council of Palmerton Area Churches (CACPAC). Those attending each meeting are asked to bring canned goods to be donated.The PADC meets monthly, the second Tuesday of the month, September to May, 7 p.m. at the Fireline Hotel, Bowmanstown. Newcomers are welcome.For more information or to join the Palmerton Area Democratic Club, contact President Sarina Berlow at 610-597-0106 or
SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Palmerton Area Democratic Club Vice-President, Sandi Peters, left, welcomes new Democratic Club members Audrey Larvey, third from left, and Robert Jacobs, who came to the opening meeting Sept. 14 to hear Palmerton Area School Superintendent Carol Boyce, second from the left, speak about the impact of state budget cuts on Palmerton area schools.