The things we say
"If the shoe fits wear it."
Do you find yourself using phrases like this in your day-to-day life? These are called epigrams or idioms. They are brief, clever and usually memorable statements. We have a bunch of these in our house that we seem to use far too often.Here are just a few of them.Yesterday as my husband got ready to leave for work he said, "Well another day and another dollar."I am thinking that in our economy today maybe it should be "Another day, another dime!"Growing up my mom used to say, "Always keep a smile on your face. It will make people wonder what you have been up to."It was her way of saying, keep smiling no matter what. If we walk around today with a constant smile on our face, the wrong group of people may wonder what we have been up to, and jail, or an insane asylum, may be in our future.A popular saying today is "When pigs fly."Gosh. Being a farm girl, I really don't think pigs will ever fly. So I totally agree when I ask myself if I will ever be rich and famous? Yes. When pigs fly!"Time flies when you are having fun."Time flies whether you are having fun or not these days. The older we get the faster the time goes. I can't believe it is fall already. Just yesterday we were celebrating Memorial Day and now we are thinking about Halloween."Let's not and say we did."This is one I learned from my Aunt Betty many, many years ago. It means you have changed your mind. It really makes no sense, but I find myself saying it anyhow. The other day my grandsons and I were out yard sale-ing. We were going to stop at one but I saw it was small and thought it would not hold any interest for us so I just drove away saying, "Lets not and say we did." Immediately both wanted to know what that meant. Imagine that ... a Nana teaching her grandchildren to lie. I better just keep that one to myself from now on.Here is a phrase I don't like to hear. "And Life goes on."To me this is a heavy phrase. I always associate it with loss and heartbreak. Yes, it is a true statement, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.My husband uses a great one every now and then. It is a string of Italian words that I don't know the meaning of. I don't think it means anything good as he just said that phrase a few weeks ago when I told him I had driven my car five blocks on a completely flat back tire. OOPS!"24-7."The first time I heard this one it was from our son-in-law who is a LTC in the U.S. Army. It means, available or without interruption 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I quickly picked up on that phrase but somehow 24-10 stuck in my head. Our daughter came to my rescue to let me know I was saying it all wrong."Peace Out!"Our youngest son uses this in place of good-bye. Growing up in the hippie era, peace is a word I used often. The other day as he and his friends were leaving the house I called after them," Hey guys, Peace Out." They all turned to me with the "deer in the headlights" (shocked and confused) look and I knew right then and there, I was not as cool as I was 40 years ago!My last cliché is one of my favorites."It is what it is."This means it happened and forget about it. You probably did the best you could in the situation and it is over and out of your hands now. We usually learn from our mistakes and no one is perfect.So, have fun remembering all the phrases we use every day and just listen when you are out in public. You are bound to hear more.